
(virtual) intelligence

["Intelligence is a property of mind that encompasses many related mental abilities, such as the capacities to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend ideas and language, and learn. In common parlance, the term smart, metaphorically used, is frequently the synonym of situational and behavioral (i.e. observed and context dependent) intelligence."]

After watching Dancer in the Dark a couple of days ago, I began thinking about Björk and her other work (specifically her work as a recording artist). I would argue that her music - her sound - is something of an acquired taste, and I know many who say they just haven't gotten into her "out-there" stuff.

I like her. (I didn't at first.) After watching her speak in live TV interviews, and learning more about her creative intelligence and her arguably anarchist attitude towards the Hollywood mainstream, I came around. She's just really interesting (whether you can relate to her much or not), and I think she deserves at least little bit of credit for being such a consistently unique performer.

Here's the award-winning (and somewhat controversial) video for her song, "All Is Full of Love", which I think is really cool:

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